Died Vnkatih de Bangalore Indian striker after falling unconscious in his team's matchagainst a team Rialuaa (railway) in the local competition on Tuesday.
According to the Indian Union Football location "solution Vnkatih a substitute in the second half of the match in front of the railway in the first division match of the Federation of Bangalore district, collapsed before the end of the meeting."
According to Indian media that Vnkatih aged 28, died because of the lack of an ambulance on the pitch, forcing his colleagues to hire "tuk tuk" to take him to the hospital.
The term player's last breath when he arrived at the hospital, where doctors believed that he died of a heart attack, although refusing to confirm even get the autopsy results.
The death of the Indian player some days of the fall of Fabrice Muamba to Bolton playeron the pitch, but the English player received treatment from paramedics on the pitchbefore being transferred quickly to the hospital by ambulance.
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